Five Aspects Meditation

Right here, right now:

I feel the presence of my body in space and time. This is the Physical aspect, the reality of this time and place. I still my physical aspect, allowing it to align naturally with the breath.

And, just beneath the surface of this reality, is an Energetic aspect that swirls and flows. I feel the energy rising and falling with the breath.

Directing this energy is a consciousness, an Intellectual aspect that chooses and discriminates. I still my thoughts by focusing only on my breath.

And, informing this intellect is an Intuitive aspect, where deep seated wisdom resides. My breath brings me deeper into the feeling of stillness.

At the base of it all, what truly is, is Bliss. Where everything is perfect, just the way it is. There is nothing I have to do. This in breath, this out breath, in stillness, is bliss.

In stillness, I sit with God, in stillness, the five aspects align.


Coming back, I polish the five aspects with gratitude to God that I am in, God that I am.

Thank you for coming forward through the Bliss aspect. Everything is perfect. Everything is possible.

Thank you for coming forward through the Intuitive aspect, bringing guidance, knowing, and heart-felt connections with others.

Thank you for coming forward through the Intellectual aspect, bringing clarity and mindful communication with the world.

Thank you for coming forward through the Energetic aspect, bringing beneficial energies into this energetic form, bringing beneficial energies into this energetic grid, bringing synchronicity and good fortune.

Thank you for coming forward through the Physical aspect, bringing health and wealth to this body/mind, manifesting abundance and compassion in the world.

Thank you for this experience of love. Peace be with me, and with all the world.


Happy Independence Day


You Are God