Five Aspects Yoga Practice

Physical practice

Stand at the end of your mat in Tadasana. Feel yourself, in your body. Starting with your base: spread your toes, feel the four corners of your feet equally distributing your weight front to back, left to right. Engage your legs and raise your knees.

Follow the energy

Feel the balance between reaching down and lifting up. Feel through the body for any constriction of energy. Breathe through to resolve it and increase flow.

Study your pose

What can you learn from the pose? Think of the muscles, bones, and tendons doing their jobs in the pose. What feedback do you receive and what direction can you give them to better align?

Feel your pose

Settle in and feel the wisdom of the pose. Relax with it and cooperate with your body to extend the pose. Have gratitude for your practice.

Be your pose

Yes, take another breath and be with the pose now. Right here. Right now





Getting Out of Your Own Way